What’s On

Past Events

An archive of the Trust’s lectures, symposia and special events


  • 6 December: Mélodie Doumy (British Library): Curating A Silk Road Oasis at the British Library: Bringing Ancient Dunhuang to Life |More
  • 29 November: Friends’ event: Piers Baker (independent scholar): 1970s Afghanistan – an Archaeological Travelogue |More
  • 8 November: Jaś Elsner (University of Oxford): Amarāvatī: Art and Buddhism in Ancient India |More
  • 18 October: Saloumeh Gholami (University of Cambridge) and Mehraban Pouladi (Mōbedān Council, Iran; Museum of Zoroastrian Documents and Manuscripts, Yazd): The Vanishing Zoroastrian Presence in Ahvaz: Historical Evolution, Migration and the Threat to Cultural Heritage |More
  • 7 June: James White (University of Oxford): Editing Early Modern Persian Poetry from Iran and India: Global Perspectives and Local Identities |More
  • 3 May: Michael Shenkar (Hebrew University of Jerusalem/University of Oxford): A Scene of Fire Worship from the Late Umayyad Palace at Sanjar-Shah and the Sogdian Cult in the 8th Century |More
  • 26 April: Leilah Vevaina (Chinese University of Hong Kong): Of Worldly Deeds and Sacred Souls: The Trust and Parsi Muktad Ceremonies |More
  • 21 March: Cambridge Festival. Cameron Petrie (University of Cambridge; Ancient India & Iran Trust): How Do You Map the Archaeological Heritage of South Asia? The Whys and Wherefores of Large-Scale Mapping and Surveying of Archaeological Sites in the Indus River Basin |Watch
  • 15 March: Pierfrancesco Callieri (University of Bologna and ISMEO, Italy): New Observations on the Achaemenid Presence in the Persian Gulf |More
  • 1 March: Richard Widdess (SOAS University of London): Music for a Royal Ceremony, Kathmandu 1664 CE |More
  • 9 February: Warwick Ball (Near-Eastern archaeologist and author): East of the Wardrobe: Islam and Iran in C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia |More
  • 26 January: Katherine Schofield (King’s College London): Music and Musicians in Late Mughal India: Histories of the Epemeral, 1748–1858 |More


  • 15 December: Harold Bailey Memorial Lecture. John Curtis (British Museum; Iran Heritage Foundation): The Oxus Treasure: Fact or Fiction? |More
  • 1 December: Katie Campbell (University of Cambridge): The Mongol Conquest and Urban Abandonments at the City of Otrar, Kazakhstan |More
  • 11 November: Said Reza Huseini (University of Cambridge):
    Tarikh-i Alfi: The Mughals’ World History |More
  • 20 October: Alison Ohta (Royal Asiatic Society): Extraordinary Endeavours: The Royal Asiatic Society, 1823–2023 |More
  • 9 June: Sam Lasman (University of Cambridge): Snake Men: Azhdahа̄ in the Persian Epic Tradition |More
  • 26 May: Vivek Gupta (University of Cambridge): Intermedial effects around 1400: scribal knowledge and ornament between the Deccan and the Indian Ocean World |More
  • 5 May: Sarah Knight (independent scholar): The Pahlavi inscription on the ‘Persian Cross’ of Mylapore in South India, and its implications for the religious identity of the Syrian Christians of Kerala |More
  • 28 April: Paulina Niechciał (Jagiellonian University, Kraków): Lived Zoroastrianism: women’s religious practices in the American diaspora |More
  • 17 March: Cambridge Festival. Joe Cribb (Hebei Normal University; British Museum; Ancient India & Iran Trust): Money is power: a metaphorical and numismatic approach |More
  • 24 February: Janet Pope & Peter Jackson (independent researchers; Ancient India & Iran Trust): The Protestant Mission to the Buryats, 1818–1840 |More
  • 17 February: Muhammad Waqar Mushtaq (The Islamia University of Bahawalpur): Mapping Archaeological Heritage in the Cholistan Desert, Pakistan: from screen to field and back again |More
    • 27 January: Moazzam Khan Durrani (The Islamia University of Bahawalpur): Magnifying the monumental value of South Punjab, Pakistan: a case study of Bahawalpur state |Watch


    • 3 December: Eighth Allchin Symposium on South Asian Archaeology |More
    • 25 November: Jeffrey P. Charest (independent scholar): Intercultural themes in the Post-Hellenistic music cultures of Bactria, Gandhāra and Indo-Greek kingdoms |More
    • 4 November: Ursula Sims-Williams (British Library; Ancient India & Iran Trust): The many faces of Alexander the Great |More
    • 14 October: T. Richard Blurton (British Museum; Ancient India & Iran Trust): India: a history in objects |More
    • 17 September: Open Cambridge. A hidden gem in the heart of Cambridge: open day |More
    • 10 June: John MacGinnis (British Museum): Clash of empires: excavating a Parthian outpost in the mountains of Kurdistan |More
    • 20 May: Antonio Panaino (University of Bologna): The souls of women in the Zoroastrian afterlife |More
    • 1 April: Cambridge Festival. Joe Cribb (Hebei Normal University; British Museum; Ancient India & Iran Trust): The origins of coinage: China and Turkey c. 600 BC |Watch
    • 11 March: Priyanka Jha (Banaras Hindu University): Negotiating thresholds: Cornelia Sorabjee’s contributions to shaping Gendered intellectual history in modern India |More
    • 18 March: Yousef Moradi (SOAS University of London): The Zoroastrian sanctuary of Takht-e Solayman in the light of newly discovered Sasanian bullae and seal impressions |More


    • 17 December: Harold Bailey Memorial Lecture. Nicholas Sims-Williams (SOAS University of London; Ancient India & Iran Trust): ‘Miserable scraps’: the joy of decoding unconsidered trifles |More
    • 29 October: Roda Ahluwalia (independent scholar), and Ursula Sims-Williams (British Library; Ancient India & Iran Trust): Insights on Mughal art & culture: the imperial library of the Mughals |More
    • 11 June: Cameron Petrie (University of Cambridge; Ancient India & Iran Trust) Living in the borderlands: a lecture to launch the book Resistance at the Edge of Empires: The Archaeology and History of the Bannu Basin from 1000 BC to AD 1200 |More
    • 26 March: Cambridge Festival. Samuel N.C. Lieu, (International Union of Academies; Robinson College, Cambridge; Ancient India and Iran Trust): Before Gallipoli there was Homer: the new Trojan war of 1915 |Watch
    • 26 February: Emily Hannam (Royal Collection Trust, Windsor Castle): Persia in the Royal Library, Windsor |More
    • 12 February: Domenico Agostini (Tel Aviv University) and Samuel Thrope (National Library of Israel; University of Haifa): The search for lost time: insights on Zoroastrian literature from the new translation of the Bundahišn |Watch


    • 5 December: Seventh Allchin Symposium on South Asian Archaeology |More
    • 4 December: Dinyar Patel (S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai): Naoroji: pioneer of Indian Nationalism |Watch
    • 30 October: Joe Cribb (British Museum; Ashmolean Museum; Ancient India & Iran Trust): Coinage in Afghanistan during the period of Islamic conquest c AH 30–256 AD 650–870 |Watch


    • 13 December: Harold Bailey Memorial Lecture. Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis (British Museum): Divine imagery in ancient Persia |More
    • 7 December: Sixth Allchin Symposium on South Asian Archaeology |More
    • 29 November: Charlie Gammell (independent scholar): Questions of identity in Herat’s past, present and future: 800 years of confusion and change |More
    • 8 November: Friends’ event: Joe Cribb (British Museum; Ashmolean Museum; Ancient India & Iran Trust): The Ancient India & Iran Trust coin collection: an introduction |More 
    • 25 October: Cambridge Festival of Ideas. Ursula Sims-Williams (British Library; Ancient India & Iran Trust): Tipu Sultan: judging the man by his books |More
    • 11 October: Moojan Momen (Afnan Library): The Baha’i faith and Iranian religion |More
    • 31 May: Saloumeh Gholami (Goethe University Frankfurt): Endangered Zoroastrian heritage of Iran: new insights from recently discovered manuscripts |More
    • 10 May: Richard Foltz (Concordia University, Montréal): From Sintashta to Samarkand: the Tajiks and their ancestors in Central Asian history |More
    • 26 April: Friends’ event: Sam Lieu (Macquarie University, Sydney; Ancient India and Iran Trust): Manichaean art and calligraphy from the Silk Road |More
    • 8 March: Georgina Herrmann (University College London): Royal Merv, a city on the Great Silk Road |More
    • 22 February:  Friends’ event:  Joe Cribb (British Museum; Ashmolean Museum; Ancient India and Iran Trust): Coins as the key to ancient Central Asian history |More
    • 25 January: Preeti Khosla (independent scholar): Reintroducing the Ni’matnamah half a century later |More


    • 7 December: Susan Whitfield (University College London): Silk, slaves and stupas: material culture of the Silk Road |More
    • 1 December: Fifth Allchin Symposium on South Asian Archaeology |More
    • 30 November: Keynote Lecture, Allchin Symposium on South Asian Archaeology (McDonald Institute): Richard Blurton (British Museum): The Hotung Gallery at the British Museum: different ideas, and some new views of Amaravati |More
    • 9 November: Katherine Butler Schofield (King’s College London): The courtesan and the memsahib: Khanum Jan, Sophia Plowden and their Hindustani airs, Lucknow 1788 | More
    • 26 October: Cambridge Festival of Ideas: Christine van Ruymbeke (Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Cambridge; Ancient India and Iran Trust): Literary criticism and the pendulum of taste: the reception of the Anvar-e Sohayli |More
    • 8 June: Deborah Freeman Fahid (independent scholar & former Assistant Curator of The al-Sabah Collection, Kuwait): The Àger rock crystal chessmen: some early medieval imports from the Iranian world? | More
    • 25 May: Joe Cribb (former Keeper of Coins and Medals, British Museum): Constructing Kushan chronology: Bactria and Gandhara 1st–4th century AD | More
    • 18 May: Tree planting in memory of Bridget Allchin | More
    • 18 May: Friends’ event: Rachel Rowe (Cambridge University Library): Archival adventures with ephemera: treasures from the Queen Mary Indian Collection | More
    • 27 April: Deepak Paramashivan (University of Alberta) with Satvinder Sehmbey on tabla: Soulful Sarangi: an Indian classical music concert | More
    • 17 March: Bridget Allchin memorial event at Wolfson College. Michael Petraglia (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena): Following in Bridget Allchin’s footsteps: The current state of archaeology in South Asia | More
    • 9 March: Special event for the Friends of the Trust: James Crowden (author): Soldier, spy, archaeologist and academic: the story of Professor K de B Codrington (1899-1986)
    • 3 March: Visit of delegation from the Republic of Uzbekistan | More
    • 23 February: Christopher Wright (British Library): Robert Ker Porter’s travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia and Mesopotamia 1817-1820 | More
    • 2 February: Almut Hintze (SOAS): The Multi-Media Yasna: recent research in Mumbai | More
    • 19 January: Emily Hannam (Royal Collection): Georges, Nawabs and Nabobs: the British monarchs and India in the 18th century | More
    Photos 2018
    Tree planting ceremonyBridget Allchin memorial


    • 3 December: HW Bailey Memorial Lecture: Peter Frankopan (University of Oxford): Sir Harold Bailey and the content of Indian, Iranian and Asian Studies | More
    • 17 November: Friends’ Event: Afternoon guided tour of Another India: Exploration and Expressions of Indigenous South Asia at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology with exhibition curator Mark Elliott | More
    • 10 November: Ursula Sims-Williams (British Library): Investigating the library of Tipu Sultan of Mysore | More
    • 3 November: Mark Elliott (University of Cambridge): Curating Another India: object histories and contemporary voices | More
    • 23 October: Cameron Petrie (University of Cambridge), part of Cambridge University’s Festival of Ideas: Climate change and collapse: a (not so) simple story of the relationship between climate and the decline of South Asia’s Indus Civilisation
    • 20 October: Julius Lipner (University of Cambridge), part of Cambridge University’s Festival of Ideas: Hinduism and the elusiveness of Truth: the quest for integrity
    • 13-14 October: Symposium The History of Lahore and the Preservation of its Historic Buildings | More
    • 16 September: Open House at AIIT | More
    • 2 June: Hans Bakker (British Museum) The Huns in Central and South Asia | More
    • 26 May: Jesse Palsetia (Guelph) Parsi traders & travellers in the Age of Empire | More
    • 12 May: Sâqib Bâburi (British Library) The Windsor Padshahnamah: A Royal Copy of Shah Jahan’s Chronicle) | More
    • 5 May: Special event for the Friends of the Trust: Julius Lipner (Cambridge) Work in progress: from Bengal to Cambridge and back again – many times | More
    • 24 April: Giles Tillotson (Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum, City Palace, Jaipur): Recent developments at the Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum, City Palace, Jaipur | More
    • 11 March: Book launch: Holy Wealth: Accounting for This World and The Next in Religious Belief and Practice: Festschrift for John R. Hinnells | More
    • 3 March: Special event for Friends of the Trust Catherine Ansorge (University Library, Cambridge): The Reverend George Lewis and his collection of Persian manuscripts | More
    • 10 February: Elizabeth Key Fowden (FAMES/Classics, University of Cambridge): Eastern Kings and Ancient Philosophers in Ottoman Athens| More
    • 27 January: Suraiya Faroqhi (Istanbul Bilgi University): Importing and marketing Iranian fabrics | More
    Photos 2017
    Lahore Symposium


    • 2-3 December: 4th Annual Allchin Symposium | More
    • 2 December: Jennifer Scarce (University of Dundee)
      Qajar nostalgia for Sassanians | More
    • 18 November: Christian Sahner (St John’s College, Cambridge)
      Zoroastrians and Christians under early Muslim rule | More
    • 28 October: in association with the Cambridge Festival of Ideas:
      Alan Williams (University of Manchester): Migration and the Mango Tree that Walked: the Arrival of Persian Zoroastrians in Eighth-century India
    • 21 October: Sudeshna Guha (Shiv Nadar University)
      ‘Nineveh’ in Bombay and histories of Indian Archaeology | More
    • 14 October: Special event for Friends of the Trust
      Conor Jameson and Stephanie Morren (RSPB): Save Asia’s Vultures | More
    • 9 July: Rubaiyat Research Day | More
    • 20 June: Reception for workshop ‘Khamriyya as a World Poetic Genre’ | More
    • 12 June: AIIT Summer Garden Party | More
    • 3 June: AIIT Honorary Fellow Lecture 2016
      Anna Dallapiccola: South Indian mural paintings (16th to 18th centuries) | More
    • 22-23 May: Board Meeting and Workshop of the Societas Iranologica Europaea
    • 20 May: Katherine Schofield (King’s College, London)
      Music, art and affective power between 16th century North India and the Deccan
    • 12.5.16 Award of Sinor Medal to Nicholas Sims-Williams and Lecture: The Bactrian Archives | More
    • 6 May: Special Event for Friends of the Trust
      Geoffrey Hales: Kipling in India – a dramatized talk
    • 18 March: Part of the Cambridge Science Festival
      Raymond Mercier (Cambridge): Calendars in India and a problem with eclipses in Orissa | More
    • 26 February: Special Event for Friends of the Trust
      T. Richard Blurton (British Museum): Krishna in the Garden of Assam
    • 19 February: Arthur Dudney (Cambridge)
      What language did Kiyomars speak? Seventeenth and Eighteenth century theories on the origins of Persian| More
    • 12 February: Michelle Quay (Cambridge)
      Female Heroism in Sufi Hagiographical texts – from Sulami (d. 1021) to ‘Attar (d. ca. 1221) | More
    Photos 2016
    4th Allchin Symposium


    • 16 December: Book launch: Arts of the Hellenized East | More
    • 27 November: Robin Ackroyd
      Mongol nutag, Chingisiin Ongon – Monglian homeland, Genghis Khan’s tomb
    • 20 November: Friends Event
      Almut Hintze (SOAS): Living scholarship: a journey into Indo-Iranian Studies
    • 6 November: Cameron Petrie (Cambridge)
      Adaptation to variable environments, resilience to climate change; Land, Water and Settlement and the Indus Civilization
    • 16 October: Christine van Ruymbeke (Cambridge)
      Kashefi’s Anvar-e Sohayli: Rewriting Kalila wa-Dimna in Timurid Herat
    • 5 June: Rosemary Crill (Senior Curator, Asian Department, V&A Museum)
      The Fabric of India
    • 8 May: John Falconer (Curator of Visual Arts, British Library)
      Photography and the Archaeological Survey of India 1855-1900
    • 24 April: Margaret Cone (Darwin College, Cambridge)
      The Joys and Sorrows of Pali
    • 6 March: François de Blois (UCL)
      Sasanian royalist ideology and Zoroastrian millennialism
    • 20 February: Vesta Curtis (British Museum)
      The power and purpose of iconography in ancient Iran
    • 6 February: Special Event for Friends of the Trust
      Sam Lieu (Macquarie University, Sydney): Between Parthia and Rome – Palmyra and Dura Europos
    • 23 January: Gabor Kosa (ELTE University, Budapest)
      Judgement after death: the Manichaean cosmology painting
    Photos 2015
    Launch of Arts of the Hellenized East


    • 5-6 December: Second Annual Allchin Symposium on South Asian Archaeology
    • 5 December: at the McDonald Institute for Archeological Research,
      Prof Michael Petraglia (Oxford): South Asia: Central or Peripheral to the Out of Africa Story
    • 28 November: Razia Sultanova (Cambridge)
      Music of the Uzbeks of Northern Aghanistan
    • 14 November: Sam van Schaik (British Library)
      The Married Monks of Kroraina
    • 7 November: Friends screening of: Following the Peacock, a film by Dr Eszther Spät
    • 24 October: part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas
      Sir Nicholas Barrington: Envoy – the experiences of a diplomat in Asia
    • 17 October: Imre Galambos (Cambridge)
      A Forgotten Civilisation: Remains of the Tangut Kingdom in Central Asia
    • 16 May: Nicholas Sims-Williams (SOAS)
      Go East Young Man! A personal journey
    • 23 May: Touraj Daryaee (UCI)
      The Sasanian Empire as a Garden: The walls and rivers of the Sasanian Empire
    • 11 May: Half day workshop
      Bactria and the transition to Islam
    • 9 May: Nina Mirnig
      The Religious Centre of Pashupatinath: Early Nepalese Shaiva Inscriptions in Context
    • 25 April: Prof Geoffrey Greatrex (Ottawa)
      Procopius’ Persian Tales: entertainment, history or morality fable?
    • 21 February: Janice Stargardt (Cambridge)
      The Early Kingdoms of Burma 1st-8th century CE
    • 14 February: Eleanor Sims
      Heinrich Friedrich von Diez’s “little Collection of Paintings Illustrating Firdausi’s Shahnama”
    Photos 2014
    Bactria and the Transition to Islam


    • 13 December: Bailey Memorial Lecture
      Professor Maria Macuch (Berlin): Kinship Ties and Fictive Alliances in Sasanian Law
    • 6 December: part of inaugural Annual Allchin Symposium in South Asian Archaeology
      Prof. Adam Hardy (Cardiff): Digging up Designs: reconstructing medieval Indian temples from stones, drawings and texts
    • 29 November: Christophe ROUSTAN-DELATOUR (Museums of Cannes)
      The Spirit of Place: Penelope Betjeman’s Himalayan photographs
    • 29 November: Himalaya Round-table
    • 8 November: Dr Llewelyn MORGAN (Oxford)
      Gradus ad Aornon. Classicists in NW India & Afghanistan
    • 1 November: Prof. Monica SMITH (UCLA)The Urban Hinterlands of Kalinga in the Early Historic period: Archaeology at Sisupalgarh and Talapada
    • 25 October:  Dr Cameron PETRIE
      Frontiers and edges of empires: living in the borderlands of Pakistan from the Neolithic to the spread of Islam
    • 14 June: Maria SCHETELICH (Leipzig)
      Why Chess could have been invented in India. A never-ending Story
    • 7 June: Friends event:
      Dr Sudeshna Guha: Tour of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge
    • 31 May: Dr Arezou AZAD (Oxford)
      The Balkh Art and Cultural Heritage project: exploration, maps and silk road history from Balkh, northern Afghanistan
    • 24 May: Dinyar PATEL (Harvard)
      Indians in Late Victorian Britain: Perspectives from the Naoroji Papers
    • 3 May: Professor Almut HINTZE (SOAS)
      A Zoroastrian Vision
    • 1 March: Dr Jeevan DEOL (Cambridge)
      The Sikhs of Afghanistan: some notes toward a cultural, social and literary history ca. 1600-2012
    • 15 February: Dr John MACGINNIS (Cambridge)
      Excavating a Provincial capital of the Assyrian Empire: The Ziyaret Tepe Archaeological Project
    • 11 January: Dr Badshah SARDAR (Ancient India & Iran Trust)
      Buddhist Collection of Nimogram Swat, Pakistan: Its History, Classification, Analysis and Chronology
    Photos 2013


    • 30 November: Dr Peter JOHANSEN (British Columbia)
      Following in the Footsteps of the Allchins: Recent Archaeological Research in Central Karnataka
    • 23 November: Professor Louise MARLOW (Wellesley College)
      Ancient Wisdom in Early Arabic Advice Literature
    • 16 November: Dr Annabel GALLOP (British Library)
      Ottoman Links across the Indian Ocean
    • 2 November: Professor Eijiro DOYAMA (University of Osaka)
      The unusual birth of the hero in ancient Indian mythology
    • 24 October: Professor Almut HINTZE (SOAS)
      A Zoroastrian Vision
    • 25 May (3pm): Friends Event
      A guided tour of the Fitzwilliam Museum’s exhibition The Search for Immortality: Tomb Treasures of Han China, led by exhibition curator Dr James Lin, Senior Assistant Keeper of Applied Arts
    • 11 May: Sue Stronge (Asian Department, V&A Museum)
      Court art in the reign of Jahangir
    • 4 May: Professor Julius Lipner (Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge)
      A Hostage to Fortune? Hinduism and the Classical
    • 27 April: Professor Jean Kellens (Collége de France, Paris)
      Some Thoughts on Young Avestan Polytheism
    • 9 March: Dr Agnes Korn (Frankfurt)
      Discoveries in language from modern and ancient times: Caucasian-Albanian to modern Udi
    • 24 February: Friends Event
      Ursula Sims-Williams (Ancient India & Iran Trust and British Library)
      Harold Bailey: Founding Trustee of the Ancient India & Iran Trust
    • 17 February: Dr Gillian JULEFF (Exeter)
      Technology and evolution: Asian metallurgy from protohistoric Sri Lanka to Japanese steel
    • 10 February: Mr Kaveh BAKHTIAR (SOAS)
      Islamic Architecture of Britain
    • 27 January: Dr Bruno de NICOLA (Cambridge)
      The Mongol Khatun’s Economic Activity
    Photos 2012


    • 2 Dec: Dr Paul RUSSELL and Dr Elizabeth BOYLE (Cambridge)
      Colonialism and Celticism: Whitley Stokes in India (1862-1882)
    • 25 Nov: Dr Razia SULTANOVA (Director, Centre for Central Asian Music, and Fellow, Central Asian Forum, Cambridge)
      Music from Central Asia: From Shamanism to Sufism
    • 11 Nov: Veronica DOUBLEDAY (Independent Scholar)
      The Legacy of Quatrain Singing as practiced in Afghanistan
    • 28 Oct: Dr Ilya YAKUBOVICH (Moscow State University)
      The Invention of Old Persian
    • 26 Oct (Wed): Professor Nicholas SIMS-WILLIAMS (SOAS)
      Deciphering Bactrian- An Illustrated Lecture
    • 14 Oct: Prof. A. POOLE (Cambridge), Dr. C van RUYMBEKE (Cambridge), William MARTIN and Sandra MASON (Independent Scholars & Chairs of AIIT Friends)
      Omar Khayyám and FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát after 2009
    • 10 June: Professor Herman TIEKEN (University of Leiden, Netherlands)
      The function of the So-called Ashoka Pillars
    • 20 May: Dr Christiane ESCHE-RAMSHORN (Independent)
      Christian Art between Europe and the Middle East (14th-15th c.). Nakhitchevan and its sacred geography explored in a multi-faith context
    • 6 May: Professor Alberto CANTERA, (University of Salamanca)
      Why do we really need a new edition of the Avesta?
    • 19 April: Professor Robin CONINGHAM, (University of Durham)
      Lumbini: preserving and protecting a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Nepal
    • 11 March: Anton ZYKOV (St Antony’s College, University of Oxford)
      Nasusalars and khandias in the Zoroastrian communities of Iran and India
    • 25 February: Dr Erica HUNTER (School of African and Oriental Studies London)
      The Christian Library from Turfan
    • 4 February: Dr Vincenzo VERGIANI (University of Cambridge)
      Pānini’s Grammar: its role in the hegemony of Sanskrit and some open questions
    • 28 January: Professor Samuel N.C. LIEU, (Macquarie University, Australia)
      From Xerxes to Kemal Ataturk
    Photos 2011


    • 10 Dec: Bailey Memorial Lecture: Professor Frantz Grenet (Paris)
      The rediscovery of the court culture of the Qarakhanids (11th to early 13th centuries): recent results of the French-Uzbek Archaeological Mission at Afrasiab (Samarkand)
    • 26 Nov: Dr Annabel Gallop (British Library) and Dr Venetia Porter (British Museum) (lecture accompanying exhibition)
      Islamic Seals: Treasures from the British Library and the British Museum
    • 19 Nov: Friends Event
      Guided visit to the Shahname exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum, with Prof. Charles Melville.
    • 12 Nov: A celebration of the life and work of Dr Bridget Allchin and the late Dr Raymond Allchin
      Professor Robin Coningham (Durham): From Kabul to Kelaniya: Raymond Allchin and the Archaeology of South Asia
      Professor Robin Dennell (Sheffield): A life in stone: a retrospective appreciation of Bridget Allchin and the South Asian Palaeolithic’
    • 29 Oct: Roger Cooper
      A New Look at the Sikhs
    • 15 Oct: Professor Charles Melville (Cambridge)
      An Illustrated Shahname
    • 4 June: Professor Vicente Dobroruka (University of Brasilia)
      Hellenistic Political Propaganda and Zoroastrian Oracles
    • 28 May: Dr Rosemary Crill (Senior Curator, Victoria & Albert Museum, London)
      The Indian Portrait 1560–1860
    • 15 May: Special event
      Recent Research on the Cultural History of Sri Lanka
    • 14 May: Dr Sethuraman Suresh (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, Chennai, India)
      From Kanchipuram to Kampuchea: A Millennium of Trade and Cultural Exchanges between South India and Cambodia
    • 7 May: Professor Stanley Insler (Yale University)
      The Oldest Zoroastrian Calendar
    • 12 February: Dr Cameron Petrie (University of Cambridge)
      Lost rivers and life on the plains — human interaction with the environment in early Indian civilization
    • 29 January: Professor Michael Pye (University of Marburg and Otani University, Kyoto)
      Lives of the Buddha and the initial dynamics of the Buddhist religion
    • 15 January: Conor Jameson and Rhys Green (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, London)
      Cause and consequences of the catastrophic decline of vultures across South Asia
    Photos 2010