Michaelmas Term Lectures

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Professor Almut HINTZE
A Zoroastrian Vision
2 November Professor Eijiro DOYAMA (Osaka)
The unusual birth of the hero in ancient Indian mythologyUnusual or miraculous birth and growth are characteristic of heroes in a number of
myths all over the world. It is typically associated with motifs such as an unusual conception (not by a human father and mother etc.), the unusual length of the period of pregnancy, an unusual delivery (not from the usual birth canal; in an egg etc.), being abandoned after birth, being raised by a non-human. In my talk I will pick up this interesting topic as seen in ancient Indian mythology, mainly based on the oldest Indian texts, the so-called Vedic texts, which seem to be less known than later literature such as the Mahābhārata because of the difficulty of their language and content. The abundant myths they contain reveal characteristic features of the unusual birth in ancient Indian mythology and suggest an important aspect of heroes in ancient India.
16 November Dr Annabel GALLOP (British Library)
Ottoman Links across the Indian Ocean
23 November Professor Louise MARLOW (Wellesley College)
Ancient Wisdom in Early Arabic Advice Literature
30 November


Dr Peter JOHANSEN (British Columbia)

Title TBC.

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  1. Post

    Hi Havovi, I’ve booked you in for the Zoroastrian Vision talk (please come and say hello when you arrive so we can keep track of names and numbers!) but you are not required to book for the rest of the term’s lectures, so please, just come along! Very best wishes, Anna

  2. I would like to make a heartfelt plea! I see that Almut Hintze’s lecture (unsurprisingly) is fully booked. But if there is any remote chance that a cancellation might occur, or even that room could be made for a small Zoroastrian person (me) to squeeze into, I would be so very grateful!
    Knowing Almut, she won’t mind me sitting cross-legged in a corner somewhere… will you let me know either way, please?

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