Mani in Cambridge: A Day-Symposium on Manichaean Studies

Ursula Sims-WilliamsNews 1 Comment

The Trust has a long-standing connection with the study of Manichaeism and from 1999 to 2005 was the home of the AHRC funded Manichaean Dictionary Project, headed by our Chairman Nicholas Sims-Williams. As a result several volumes were published in the Brepols Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum series as part of the Dictionary of Manichaean Texts, namely vol. 2: Texts from Iraq and Iran (Texts in Syriac, Arabic, Persian and Zoroastrian Middle Persian) by F. de Blois and others (2006); vol. 3, part 1: Dictionary of Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian by D. Durkin-Meisterernst (2004); vol. 3, part 2: Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian by N. Sims-Williams and D. Durkin-Meisterernst (2012); and vol. 3, part 4: Dictionary of Manichaean Texts in Chinese by G. Mikkelsen (2006).

On Saturday 25 March, as part of an ongoing research project, we are holding a one day Symposium on Manichaean Studies sponsored jointly by the Ancient India and Iran Trust, the International Association of Manichaean Studies and the Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Project.


Saturday 25 March 2017 at The Ancient India and Iran Trust, Cambridge (UK)

9.00-9.25 Informal greetings and Tea/Coffee
9.25-9.30 Welcome by Nicholas Sims-Williams (Chair of Trustees, AIIT)
9.30-10 Enrico Morano (President of IAMS): The Sogdian texts in Manichaean script of the Berlin Turfan Collection
10-10.30 Gábor Kósa: Chinese Narratives of Mānī’s Life in the New Textual and Visual Sources
11-11.30 Tea/Coffee
11.30-12.00 Gunner Mikkelsen: Mani and Amitabha
12.00-12.30 Nils Arne Pedersen: Manichaean use of Old Testament texts
12.30-1.00 Rea Matsangou: The converted Manichaeans in early Byzantium (4th -6th centuries): new insights arising from the study of the Church canons1.00-2.00 A light lunch (with vegetarian options) will be provided by the sponsors

2.00-2.30 Mattias Brand: Sectarianism and the social relations of Manichaeans in ancient Kellis
2.30-3.00 Nicholas Sims-Williams: New Manichaean calendar fragments from Turfan
3.00-3.30 Erica Hunter: Addai Scher and the Liber Scholiorum (of Theodore bar Konai)
3.30-4.00 François de Blois: M28 and the Book of Mysteries
4.00-4.30 Gottfried Nebe What is the title and what is the theme of the Psalm group ʻPsalms to Jesusʼ in the Coptic-Manichaean Psalmbook? (in German)

4.30-5.00 Tea and biscuits

5.00-5.30 Sam Lieu: The art of the Manichaean scribe in an Electronic Age

5.30-6.30 Drinks reception (provided by the Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Project)

All sessions are open to members of the public and Friends of the Ancient India and Iran Trust are particularly welcome to attend. If you wish to come please contact the co-ordinator Sam Lieu ( to register for the event beforehand.


Photo at head: A section from the Old Turkish confessional text the Xwastwanift. Dunhuang, 9th century, British Library Or.8212/178 (Public Domain)

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  1. Pingback: Report on Manichaean Symposium at AIIT | Ancient India & Iran Trust

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