Class Name Examples
Class names are cumulative and some are designed to work together. But make sure you always put a space between them. And no commas: “full-width gray border” not “full-width, gray, border“
A ‘full-width’ section
By default, a “full-width” section has no background color or border. But you can set these manually if you want. Any background images will default to being the full-width of the section and they will align to the top and center of the section.
A ‘full-width gray’ section
By default, a “full-width” section has no background color or border. But you can set these manually if you want. Any background images will default to being the full-width of the section and they will align to the top and center of the section.
A ‘full-width gray border’ section
By default, a “full-width” section has no background color or border. But you can set these manually if you want. Any background images will default to being the full-width of the section and they will align to the top and center of the section.
A ‘full-width gradient’ section
This style adds a subtle white-to-gray vertical gradient to the section. It’s great for use below a ‘gray border’ class and looks especially good when used with the Cornerstone promo element.
A ‘full-width’ section with a colored background
You can apply the “white” class to any element and it will turn the text in that element white. This is for use against colored or image backgrounds.