Life Friend
As we rely entirely on our own resources, the support of our network of Friends is invaluable. To become an Life Friend, please follow the instructions below
The Trust depends on its own resources, receiving no public funding. Our work has attracted a number of volunteers, donors and close associates, but recent improvements at our premises, and plans for future expansion have led us to establish a more organised network of Friends. We hope that those interested in the academic work promoted by the Trust, or more generally in the history and culture of the regions covered, will become Friends, whether they live in the UK or overseas.
Friends receive newletters and advance information about lectures and other activities. Special events are held for Friends only and, as part of the Trust ‘family’, Friends are invited to our annual summer Garden Party and other social funtions. They are always welcome to visit the Trust. We also highly value help from our Friends in providing ideas, contacts and advice, as well as financial support.
Recent improvements at the Trust include the installation of a new AV projector and screen in our lecture room, thanks in part to the generous support of our Friends.