The NACIRA 2010 conference and AGM will be held on Tuesday 7th December 2010 from 10.30am – 4.30pm at the Japan Foundation in Russell Square, London WC1. The theme for the 2010 conference will be the Medium is the Message -New digital resources for Asian & Middle Eastern studies. Speakers include: Rachel Rowe of the film and photograph digitisation project at the Centre for South Asian Studies, Cambridge; Malcolm Raggett of the Fürer-Haimendorf photographic collection digitisation project at SOAS; Sam van Schaik of the Dunhuang Project at the BL; Jane Lewisohn …
A New Era for the Ancient India & Iran Trust
This is the Ancient India & Iran Trust’s new space on the web – where we will be posting book reviews, information about upcoming events, both at the Trust and elsewhere, and other snippets of exciting and relevant news that may be of interest. Feel free to comment, suggest, and so on…